Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Revised Article Marketing Strategy Updated

Since employing my strategy of submitting rewritten articles to a few good directories and not sending the same article out to hundreds of worthless ones my traffic has increased as have my earnings and free Google traffic.

The exciting part about this is that for many lower competition terms my articles have anywhere from 4-8 spots on the front page Of Google. The websites that i was article marketing for have also got a boost in free search engine traffic as well.

I am linking this to the fact that with the article rewritter i use i can alter the anchor text links for the resource box. So i can really get a good mix of anchor text links pointing back to my pages.

This strategy took one of my sites pages with a fairly competitive term from the second page of Google to the second spot in a two weeks. Will it stay, who knows but its there now and with consistent work i believe i can cement it there!

Before when i was just slamming out the same article to the directories i never saw page domination like this so i am now buying into the negatives of duplicate content based on my own experiences.

The only thing i did recently with my old strategy was to switch to the new ArticleApps article software. This software has a lot of cool options that are not offered with regular article rewriting packages. Plus it is very easy to learn how to use and implement!

There is a free version but it limits the number of times per day you can use it and also does not give you access to the built in thesaurus and some other very cool options

. If you are serious about your article marketing efforts i recommend that you spend the money and upgrade to the gold version of ArticleApps.

While the free version will work it gives you just enough to wish you would have upgraded to the Gold version. Plus if you update right away you get a discount that is pretty big.

The only other thing i want to implement in my efforts is some auto submission software but i am researching the different ones out there and will report back once i decide on one and put it to use.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Revised Adsense Article Marketing And Submission Strategy

This is an update to my adsense strategy post you can read here.

Here is what i have been doing lately i picked up software from here (you can get it for free for 15 days)and take may ezinearticles article and spin it into 15 different ones it takes about 50 minutes to write a 300 word article and set it up for spinning the variations

To spin it i rewrite each sentence 3-5 times then replace synonyms within the rewritten sentences. Its easy to do with this software

I then submit them to these directories all at once. I like these because they either have no word minimum or a very low word minimum of 300 words plus they most have good PR and Alexa rankings.
15 post to my site or main blog

I repeat this process for 30-50 articles for each site.This way i will have tons of unique articles all over the web and build some site content as well.

For the wordpress and blogger blogs i just use the ezinearticles version with theresource box in tact they drive some traffic but not tons. Its just a quick easy thing to do plus if you put Adsense on the blogs it will make you money to.

This method has put alot of my articles on the front page of Google its nice to own 7 or 8 of the spots on the front page for a low hanging keyword.

This is an update to my adsense strategy post you can read here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Free Keword And Niche Research Tool That Works great

if you are researching your Adsense niche and doing the standard keyword research here is another tool for you to use. will analyze any domain you enter and tell you what keywords it ranks for, there position in Google and the wordtracker searches.

This works great if you see certain sites popping up for the keywords you like, chances are they are also targeting low hanging keywords and you can see the ones they optimized for, kinda of like like letting them do the work for you!

Best of all its FREE to use and the free version does a great job. So combine this tool with the Google Keyword Research Tool and Free Wordtracker and you should be able to jump ahead of the competition