Thursday, March 20, 2008

Example OF A PLRpro Article

Below is an actual article that i got with one of my PLRpro packs. If you search it at you will find about 6 matching results for this article. That is very good for a PLR article that was distributed to 200 people. The screen shot of my copyscape search that i did today at 6 am March 20th is below. I received this article on December 7th 2007 so there was definately time for people to use it and have their sites indexed. This is a true testament to the Guys over at PLRpro since alot of other PLR groups mass distribute their stuff it gets way over used.

Test Drive PLRpro for only $1 for 14 days!

Article is below

Look Younger Longer With Beauty Products For Mature Skin

Your skin tells the world a lot about you. With one look, people know how much you care about your grooming and skin care routines. If your skin is dull and rough, with an outer layer of dead skin cells, people assume you don't care about how you present yourself to the world. Conversely, healthy, glowing skin tells the world that you know how to take care of yourself, that you're organized enough to have a skin care routine, and that you want to look your very best wherever you go. We all age, and beauty products for mature skin can keep your skin looking younger and well cared for.

Challenges of Mature Skin

Maintaining healthy, glowing skin is a unique challenge for those of us with mature skin. Beauty products designed for us can help alleviate some of the skin problems that come with maturity. Doctors have identified some of these problems as:

Rough skin, in large areas or small patches;
Skin lesions, like benign tumors;
Slack, loosely hanging skin, due to loss of elastin and collagen;
Transparent skin, caused by thinning of the surface layer of the skin;
Fragile skin, caused by flattening of the top two layers of the skin;
Skin that bruises easily, due to the thinning of aging blood vessel walls;
Loss of fat below the skin, resulting in a skeletal appearance;
Bone loss, causing puckering of the skin around the mouth; and
Horizontal and vertical lines around the skin caused by facial movements and deepened by gravity and sleep position.

Beauty Products For Mature Skin Can Help

No single beauty product can address all the problems of mature skin, but a skin care routine using beauty products for mature skin can postpone the effects of aging and make you look fresher and younger.

One of the biggest causes of skin problems is dehydration. Older people spend more time in doors, where over-conditioned air dries the skin. Some medicines commonly taken by mature people accelerate the dehydration process. Therefore, the best way to improve the look of mature skin is to drink lots of water – 8 glasses a day or more.

Anti-aging skin care requires cleansing beauty products for mature skin. Cleansers for mature skin should contain plenty of oils and vitamins to avoid drying the skin. Other beauty products for mature skin include exfoliants, which remove dead skin cells, and moisturizers, which seal in moisture and prevent skin from drying out. Finally, hydrating and rejuvenating clay and gel masks are beauty products for mature skin that plump the skin tissue, smoothing the appearance of wrinkles.

Test Drive PLRpro for only $1 for 14 days!

As you can see the article is pretty well written and it only costs you about .$22 when all is said and done and you get 440 articles lke this every month for $97. Less then a quarter and you have some well written content that does not have alot of competition. Thats a good deal in my book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great information. I posted a few articles on ezines and have noticed my traffic up about 10-15 vistors per day in the past 2-weeks. Cant wait to try the other ideas.

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