Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Revised Article Marketing Strategy Updated

Since employing my strategy of submitting rewritten articles to a few good directories and not sending the same article out to hundreds of worthless ones my traffic has increased as have my earnings and free Google traffic.

The exciting part about this is that for many lower competition terms my articles have anywhere from 4-8 spots on the front page Of Google. The websites that i was article marketing for have also got a boost in free search engine traffic as well.

I am linking this to the fact that with the article rewritter i use i can alter the anchor text links for the resource box. So i can really get a good mix of anchor text links pointing back to my pages.

This strategy took one of my sites pages with a fairly competitive term from the second page of Google to the second spot in a two weeks. Will it stay, who knows but its there now and with consistent work i believe i can cement it there!

Before when i was just slamming out the same article to the directories i never saw page domination like this so i am now buying into the negatives of duplicate content based on my own experiences.

The only thing i did recently with my old strategy was to switch to the new ArticleApps article software. This software has a lot of cool options that are not offered with regular article rewriting packages. Plus it is very easy to learn how to use and implement!

There is a free version but it limits the number of times per day you can use it and also does not give you access to the built in thesaurus and some other very cool options

. If you are serious about your article marketing efforts i recommend that you spend the money and upgrade to the gold version of ArticleApps.

While the free version will work it gives you just enough to wish you would have upgraded to the Gold version. Plus if you update right away you get a discount that is pretty big.

The only other thing i want to implement in my efforts is some auto submission software but i am researching the different ones out there and will report back once i decide on one and put it to use.


Anonymous said...

Great blog. Can you say how this compares to the power rewriter you mentioned in post below this? How are they different in terms of speed and quality?

Also that's great to hear that your affiliate marketing is doing as well as previous strategy.


D S said...

I like articleApps better because it gives you alot more options then power article re writer.

The thesaurus is much better in articleapps, the lead in sentences are a great option plus it allows you to embed hyper links for keywords if you want to name just a few options.

At the end you can sort them by the level of their uniqueness which is a great option to.

power article is a good tool but a little basic for me once i used article apps

If you upgrade to the $97 option it is close to the power article re writers price tag of $67

They will both do a good job though.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering my question. I am wondering in terms of being able to embed different links within articles... would these be accepted by article directories? IF not, how do you use that part?

Also, if you post articles on your blog, do you link back to ezinearticles or just have a link directly to the cb affil site?

There is a thread on wf about someone who used his eza articles as-is (maybe changed title) and is making good cb money just that way. He doesn't link back to the eza article within the blogs but just to eza.


D S said...

As far as links in the article body some directories allow it others do not. You will have to check their guidelines.

I know still allows them

When i use articles on my blog i link to both my ezinearticles and to afilliate products. I like to spread it out a bit.

I saw that post on the WF as well and decided to experiment with that theory.

I put up a blog with some older articles i had in a niche and submitted the blog feeds to

I then dug the blog and bookmarked it at a few day later.

In the first few days the feedagg pages ranked right up with teh original ezinearticles, in fact some were right under them.

But as the days went on they slowly disappeared from Google

On the flip side i have articles that i rewrote 100% about 4-5 times around the same keyword and sent theme to different directories and they have all been on the first page of Google for awhile now.

I am a firm believer in not using duplicate content because as Google and online users evolve i think in the long term it will cost you more then its worth.

The easy way rarely is the best way!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your results from experiment. Do you think it's a better use of time to link to eza article itself from a couple of other directories since the eza site already has good pagerank, compared to a new blog which won't have any? Do you find those help ezinearticles articles stick longer in google? I find many that are on page 1-2 from eza will disappear in a few weeks as well. I did link a few from 2 other article directories a few weeks ago and so far they are sticking on page 1.

On another note, do you find that linking directly to affiliate program from top level domain for your eza can do better than sending them to your blog/site if the sales page is very good? (And if so, would you still make a blog for organic traffic to site)?

Is the CB income increasing since your recent chages?



D S said...

It varies, i have 398 articles live at ezinearticles and some stick around more then others.

I also tried recently to link to an article at ezinearticles from other directories.

I am doing it slowly to see what happens.

I did link to it from goarticles and it did jump it up a spot or two on google

I think that linking to an ezinearticle and maybe to your afilliate site or sales page would be a good idea.

Since most article directories allow you two links in the resource box you might as well maximize the use you can get from them.

The redirects are working well, i do have a blog that promotes the niche and the product.

I think if you target your articles around some problems in the niche and the product can help that problem sending them to a afilliate page will be fine.

My sales are erattic but i did have four sales this week end for 31.45.

Not huge money but i am getting there slowly, b comparison my Adsense normally was quite low on the weekends and barely hit this amount so i am happy with it.

I do want to start a list and a review style page to see if that increases sales, but thats on a list of things to do.