ArticleApps Free Article Spinning Software
The Software I am About to tell you about has a FREE version available keep reading to find out this awesome article spinner can help you succeed online! If you want to skip the article you can Learn More At The Offical ArticleApps Site
Article marketing is by far the best FREE method available to get targeted visitors to your we pages, blogs, ETC. It involves submitting short but informative articles to the top article directories on the internet. Your articles get published, read and visitors click the link at the end of the article and come to your site.
Article marketing has often been referred to as "bum marketing" The theory behind this method is that you could literally take a bum off the street and show him how to make money online using free or very low cost tools.
While it may sound very easy on paper what many Ebooks and article marketing gurus fail to mention is that to get any kind of decent traffic from article marketing you need to submit alot of articles and do it on a consistent basis! While simply posting an article or two once in awhile may bring you a small amount of traffic it will not get you very far. Instead you need to post frequently to the top article directories like
The competition from other article marketers also comes into play, many of these marketers are all targeting the same medium to high competition keywords that ultimately bring the most traffic. But the smart article marketer goes after the low competition or long tail keywords that are easy to dominate but bring little traffic.
This problem can only be overcome with one thing, article volume. If one well written article based on a low competition keyword gets you 3 readers a day what if you had 100 versions of that article submitted around the internet? That would be 300 readers a day from one article? Sounds interesting doesn't it? But you are probably wondering how the heck would i write 100 versions of one article, i would be doing it for a year!!
Well this is where article rewriting software like ArticleApps comes into play. With a article spinner like ArticleApps you can quickly turn out 25,50,100 or even 1000 versions of just one article! The article will all cover the same topic but will be written differently from one another in such a way that not even Google will figure it out! In fact they are so well spun that they can be submitted to the top article directories without fear of duplicate content issues! In fact with Article Apps you are only limited by the number of unique articles you want spun, and if you really apply yourself and use the software to its full potential these articles can be 100% unique!
This also sounds very easy to accomplish but you have to remember that you nee to submit these articles to the directories and set up the software to spin your articles. But in the amount of time it takes to spin just 25 articles and submit them you could probably barely write by hand 5 unique articles on the same subject . And with those 25 articles you could get 25 back links and at least 25 visitors a day to your site, but chances are the visitor would be much more then that!
What Does ArticleApps Let You Spin?
The Title- Because the title of your article is so important and you would never want 25 or more articles with the same title published around the internet the software will let you spin the tile for each article so each one has its own unique title! Hows that for cool?
Author Name- Enter in your pen names and Article Apps will do the rest for you assigning different names to each article, its fast and easy!
The Article Body- ArticleApps will spin your article based off the variables you give it. However unlike many other manual article spinner this one really makes it easy with some very cool tools. They have a convert words tool,a HUGE thesaurus, search and replace tool and even phrases to help you start and finish your articles, these phrases can also be st up to be spun as to be unique!
Resource box- Having 50 different versions of an article will do you no good if the resoource box is identical on each article! Article Apps will allow you to create unique versions of your resource box in order to maximize your article marketing efforts!
Once you spin the amount of articles that you want you can filter them by uniqueness levels. For example if you only want articles that are 85% unique then enter 85% click a button and anything less the 85% is gone!
You can also check how the articles compare to the original article very quickly and eliminate the ones that are to close for your liking!
Once you use this tool you will fall in love with it and wonder how you ever got by without it.
And the best part is you can get a FREE VERSION of this great software!
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