Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Clickbank Affilliate Marketing Plan That Works and Will Help You Make Money Online

It has been awhile since i have posted so i wanted to give you an update of what i have been doing and how things have been going. Sales are actually going very well. Again not guru levels but enough to make my families life alot better!! You can see my sales as of yesterday in the screen shot photo. As i write this i have also had $32.46 in sales today and its only 10 am. I am hoping for at least a $50 today!

All i really have been doing is article marketing, blog posting and then also using web 2.0 properties. I have been using a BETA version of some web 2.0 auto posting software from incansoft to help me post. But really I just developed a plan and stuck to it. It may not seem like much but it is working plus it gives me time for my family and job!

Here is My Daily Goal That I Try To Accomplish

Find keyword to write article around at 9:00 break at work. I use many methods to find them, just use what works for you or check out this keyword research guide as it gives alot of useful tips for finding keywords fast!

Write one 300-350 word article at lunch break at work submit to EZA

Get home and spin each article with Magic Article Rewriter

To spin the article I give each sentence 3 alternate sentences and do not just spin synonyms, i have had much better luck this way!

Post Spun Version to Self Hosted wordpress blog (main money site)

Submit Spun Version to Free Traffic System

Post to web 2.0 network with software

Submit  spun version of article by hand to

Mass Submit with Magic Article Submitter to about 800 directories (set up MAS to randomly switch links between all web 2.0 sites and main website/blog)

After that I am done. I have placed an article on EZA and articlesbase, posted it to my free blog network and submitted it to other directories around the web.

I will then spend about an hour a around 9 pm after my kids go to bed to SEO my blog, sites and web network. This mainly involves getting back links from profiles, blog comments and content swaps with other blog owners. With this plan i can count on a sale or two per day and that sure helps me.

Sometimes on the weekend I will do more work, maybe getup at 5 am and slam out 5 articles submit them then call it a day! But my main focus is to stay consistent!