Sunday, September 7, 2008

Use Article Marketing To Increase Your Adsense Revenue.

When it comes to making money online most people over complicate things to the point of insanity. The truth is that with Google adsense you really only need two main things, traffic and a website or blog!

Once you have those two things the adsense will do the rest. Putting up a website or blog is simple. So simple in fact that most people can have there own up and running in a matter of minutes using some of the free platforms that are available on the Internet today like blogger or wordpress

With that said they most people will still lack the most important factor, traffic. Getting traffic is looked at as some black magic science that only a few know about. I remember when i started i thought there was some super secret SEO tricks that i needed to be successful. I spent money on alot of ebooks and courses only to be let down because the information i was receiving was basically the same rehashed crap everyone was pushing and it really never worked as promised.

I decided to dig a little deeper and teach myself a new way to get traffic and make good money from adsense instead of the pitiful pennies i was making a day.

After a few months of reading and learning on my own i finally figured it out and it took my adsense earnings to a new high of between $500-1000 per month from the previous $20-$25. While that maybe low to some people it sure has let me lead a funner and less stressful life!

The best part about my ways of getting traffic is it takes literally 30 minutes a day and most people could do it on their lunch hour at work, which as a matter of fact is when i do all my article writing. So with out further ramblings i Will go into the simplest strategy there is to get more money from adsense and more traffic to your money producing pages.

What Is Article Marketing

Article marketing is my method of choice for driving targeted interested visitors to my webpages. Now this is not a new concept but it is one that is often overshadowed by other fancier and methods that claim to be more effective ways to get traffic.

While there maybe fancier and more glamorous ways to get traffic, in my opinion nothing beats article marketing, well maybe Pay per click but that costs money and article marketing is free!

Article marketing is a simple concept. You write quality informative articles and submit them to the top article directories on the internet. In return for publishing your article the directories give you a resource box that you can put a link to your websites in. One good article can send thousands of visitors to your site in a short amount of time.

Along with the traffic directly from the article directories many blog and website owners will use your articles as site content. When done correctly they are supposed to leave your resource box in place with your links tact. This will provide you additional backlinks as well as the potential to siphon off some traffic from sites who publish your articles.

Top Article Directories that have worked well for me.

Ezinearticles (the best directory period)


Article Dashboard

Go Articles (instant approval)

Afro Articles (500 word minimum)


Article Cube

One of the ways you can ensure that your articles receive good traffic is to do some simple keyword research. I use free wordtracker for this job. Its very easy to use, just enter your keyword in the box and the 100 most popular keywords for that phrase will come up.

I write my articles around the lower competition keywords that no one wants because they offer little search volume of 2-5 per day. These are easy to rank for and drive traffic to the articles and my sites very well. I would rather dominate 100 smaller keywords rather then 1 big one because if you lose 1 of 100 its no big deal but losing 1 of 1 is. Plus there is just safety in numbers that make me comfortable.

If you make an effort to sit down and write one article per day and focus on driving traffic to one site you will see a rise in traffic and in income.

Article Marketing Tools I Use And Recommend

instant Article Wizard- This awesome and inexpensive tool will search the Internet for sentences that contain the keyword of your choice. Once it retrieves a huge amount of sentences and sorts them by relevance you can arrange them into an article the reads naturally. The best part is you do this all in under 15 minutes per article on any subject! Read my review of instant article wizard

Jetspinner- A free article spinner that rewrites articles using user entered variables. A 500 word article can take 30 minutes to set up but it can make hundreds of articles that you can use for website promotion. A definite time saver and when combined with instant article wizard delivers a hard one two Punch to any article marketing efforts.

Article Post Robot- A unique piece of software that will submit article for you to over 400 article directories. It also has a built in spinner feature similar to jetspinner and will spin your articles for each directory avoiding duplicate content issues. A powerful tool for any article marketers arsenal!

Article Marketing Domination- This is by far the most complete and educational article marketing guide available today. It has helped me improve my article marketing and write better articles.

Dupe Free Pro- A very cool article writing tool that keeps track of word count, keyword density and will also compare two article for duplicate content. I use it daily and can't imagine not using it!

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