Friday, September 26, 2008

Simple Article Marketing Trick That Will Double Your Traffic

Something that i started to do recently was to target two or even three keywords in my articles i submit to It has really driven more traffic to my Adsense pages more then a single keyword article ever could.

To do this i go the the free Google keyword tool and find my first keyword. I shoot for medium competition with this keyword with under 20,000 competing pages when searched in quotes

The next keyword i try for slightly less so maybe 10,000 competing pages when searched in quotes.

I will then use these two keywords in the title and try and keep the keyword density the same for each keyword. I like to keep it at 1-1.5%

I put the keyword with the most search competition first in the title.

The results have been literally amazing, the article traffic has doubled and my earnings got a slight bump. Plus it is very easy to do. I am currently going back over some old articles t modify them in this manner.

I wish i had started doing this when i first started article marketing and for the life of me I cannot figure out why i didn't?


simon said...

I love your articles. They are so easy to read and are helping me a great deal. Not like a lot of junk I found all over the net.Thanks for sharing this!

D S said...

glad they help you, thanks for the compliments!!