Alot of people spend alot of money when trying to make money online. They may buy the latest ebook, program or whatever to increase their earnings. But sometimes there is free tools availible that will help you earn more money and increase your site traffic.
Free Online Money Making Tools
spyfu Spyfu is a cool tool that will allow you to see the current Google Adwords cost per click ranges for keywords of your choice. this is a great for narrowing down your Adsense niches, the higher advertisers are paying for clicks the more you make from Adsense.
wordtracker free tool A free keyword research tool that will give you the top 100 searches on Google for your keywords. It gives the daily search amount. Some people hate it others love it. It has proven to work good for me.
Google Keyword Tool This is Googles own free keyword tool, it actually provides alot of information and the data is straight fro Google so many people feel it is the most accurate. I have had good luck with this tool as well. Be sure to read the instructions how to use it because it has alot of options.
NVU A very easy to use and FREE HTML editor. I use it and it works very well. It is a WYSIWYG type editor plus you can access the HTML code as well.
JetSpinner This is a very cool free tool that will allow you to spin your articles and turn one article into hundreds or just a few. The best part is you control the replacement text, the site has a cool video that shows how it works. There is also a paid article submission service that will auto submit your articles to hundreds of directories but you can use the free version for spinning articles.
PLRWholesaler This is site that offers so much FREE PLR material it will make your head spin. He updates it frequently and there is also a paid side that has alot more then the free side. A huge bonus in the free side is you can download a file that has 9000 FREE PLR articles!!! There are alot of Ebooks a other products as well that give you full private label rights.
Free Option Graphics This is a place where you can get TONS of free Opt In Graphics at no charge. You do have to join a list to get them and there is also a very one time product offer when you sign up. The amount of sales graphics they are offering is pretty amazing.
Weebly This is another place where you can build websites and monetize them with Google adsense. Weebly sites actually do pretty good in Google rankings when lower competition and long tail keywords are used. The tools to build sites are very easy to use and you can host it for free at weebly as well.
Blogger Googles FREE blog platform. The free version works fine but if you have a domain name you can host your blogger blog on there as well. You can monetize with Google AdSense very easily on blogger.
Wordpress Another Free blog platform that also allows you to host your own domain name. There is literally thousands of options for word press blogs, these are known as plug ins.
Hubpages This is a great place to write content and publish it on the net. They give you the option tto monetize your articles with Google Adsense, ebay products, amazon products and Kontera content links. It is all very easy to use and these can generate some pretty good income. The only drawback is that hubpages shares revenue with the publishers.
Squidoo Squidoo functions basically the same as hubpages and there is much debate over what one is better. I use them both to improve m money making abilities.
OSWD You can get free website templates here. Just follow the copyrights of the template creators.
Dupe Free Pro A very cool tool for writing and rewriting articles. it allows you to paste two articles into it and it will give you the percentage of duplicate content. It also can easily calculate keyword density and word count. I really love this tool!
Statcounter This is a great free web stat tool that keeps track of your last 500 visitors. It tells you the keywords they used to find your site, time on your site and if they are return visitors. There is also more information provided. I like this better then Google Analytics because it reports in real time.
This is the list of the main free tools and resources that i have made use of in the past and that i would recommend to anyone. As i discover or remember more i will update this post. And if you would like to add any please just leave a comment with the link to the resource in question.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Make More Money Online With These Free Tools Regardless Of Your Experience Level
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1 comment:
I really enjoyed your listing of Free Tools! I know I will take a look at them and put them to use!
Thank you,
Umberto Pucci
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